Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Well, dance season is over. I did my last show on Sunday and it's quite depressing to realise that I don't have dance rehearsals to go to and it's back to my kind of lifeless and boring life. Still, as upset as I am, I had loads of fun, more so than I expected. With each show that I did with the girls, I enjoyed it more and more. Took tons of photos and did loads of crazy things!

And this is one of the unglam, ridiculous thing I did. The photo isn't very clear but I've got three ponytails, one on top and two at the side, one higher than the other. Ohh and that's the full eye make-up that we did. We couldn't do that on the first show because there wasn't enough time. Anyway, here's a closer look at the eyes...

Awesome huh?!

And that's me and Hui, with her awesome half-falsies and blue lipstick on me =)
The blue lipstick annoyed me a little though because I kept 'eating' mine and it kept disappearing. We had to apply two layers, first the white and then the blue, because it'll help the blue show a bit more. Without the white, it'll eventually turn purple because it'll merge with the pink of the lips. So I had my lip balm on and because it's all creamy and didn't quite stick, I kept swallowing it whenever I moved my lips. I could feel my throat drying up from 'eating' the lipstick. It was still an awesome look and I think Hui's item was the best. Even more so with the make-up! =)
So I had tons of fun, took TONS of photos and got to hang around with the rest of the girls. I love experiences like these. I love that it was genuinely fun and I truly enjoyed each of their company. There's this sense of togetherness that I'm really thankful for, where everyone is looking out for one another and entertaining each other because we were all dying of boredom. I think they're a hilarious bunch, very amusing and very sweet as well. I do hope I get to see them again or better still, get to dance with them again! =)
6:51 PM
Friday, March 27, 2009
A Very Green PostMe and my sisters have a rule when we're out now: Anytime we buy something from outside, as long as we can do without a plastic bag, we'll ask not to have it. It applies even to food. You see, if you're ordering just one Subway sandwich to go, you don't need a bag now, do you?
Next on my wish list: An awesome-looking Eco-bag like the one my sister has. Not only is it pretty and looks like an actual bag you would carry, but it's compact-able!
I have started my journey of reducing the use of plastic bags, have you? Join us! =)
Dear Friends,
I need a favour. This Saturday, 28th March 2009, is Earth Hour day. In case you don't know what it is, it is a global voting day. Voting against global warming by turning off your lights for an hour on the 28th: 8.30pm to 9.30pm.

Check out the
website! Many companies have signed up for it. I think it's going to be really fun to be out on that day and it'll be interesting to see how these companies cope with the lack of lights for an hour. Because, business is on as usual at 8.30pm!
So anyways, I need a favour from everyone because I am going to be performing again this Saturday and Sunday! So not only will I not be able to join, I won't be able to go out and what it's like outside =(
Friends, I would like you guys to join in the fun and if you're going to be at home, turn off your lights for an hour, light some candles and chill with your family. If you're going to be out, let me know what it's like in the city. =)
Do let me know if you're going to be a part of it in any way. Ohh and if you can't be a part of it for whatever reasons, get someone else to be a part of it! Hee... Thanks so much! =)
Have fun on Earth Hour day!
Love, Cyn~
12:50 AM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Temasek Hall Dance Production 2009: Incandescence
Well, the main dance performance is over. And I have to say that it's kind of bittersweet because I had a ton of fun compared to last year.
Honestly, Hui's item was great, but last year's experience was rather bad. Because it's a hall thing, I felt super left out from beginning to end. The performance day was spent hanging around on my own with literally nothing to do. I didn't know people so I couldn't help them with costumes and make-up and what-nots. And I guess one of the worst things was I wasn't part of the Finale item, nor curtain call. I'm fine with not doing Finale, but having to stand at the wings and watch curtain call was a bit sad. It did help that Hui was there though..
I'm really happy at the way things turned out this year. My experience took a 360 degree turn for the better. I got to talk to and know so many more people, and I think they are great. I'm still the shy, quiet and awkward person that I am, but I felt way less helpless and useless. I got the chance to help backstage with stuff and I took many photos. And I had that injury scare. Thank goodness I was fine as the concert drew closer. I still wasn't able to help with make-up and hair though... Ohh wells! I'm still really happy and grateful for the whole thing! =)

Hui and Her Girls
2:44 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
2:58 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
After days of stressing, I finally took the piano theory test today. It went quite well actually, so I'm really glad. I just have to wait for the results to come out. I hope I do well! *crosses fingers*
Today was an exciting day. Apart from the theory test, I actually helped Hui choreograph a finale item. I think that's probably the first time I ever helped with any kind of ch0reography. I didn't do much actually, just learned the steps to help her visualise stuff. But it was still real fun, an awesome sense of achievement. Love the pas de deux! =)
I'm glad I can finally focus on dance and finding a job. Before the theory test, I kept feeling like agreeing to it was a bad idea because I had so much on my mind and the timing was off. Now, that I've got one down, I can focus my energy on the rest.
My goal for the coming week, help make Hui's item and finale, AWESOME! Wooooot!
11:50 PM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The last few weeks were not easy. I've been on several emotional rollercoasters. After awhile, it wasn't even pms anymore. Everyday seemed to suck and I kept feeling like I'm constantly messing up.
I wasn't dancing my best.
I wasn't preparing for piano theory as well as I should be.
I wasn't actively searching for a job.
I was tired most of the time.
I slept late and had a ton of trouble trying to get up.
I felt real horrible about myself.
There's actually not a whole lot of stuff I have to deal with right now. Things could be worse and I've had to deal with way more things than now. But for some reason, something wasn't working for me and I wasn't getting things right.
But thankfully, I think I finally got it all figured out. Got about to studying for piano and naturally felt better about everything. I'm putting in as much as I can for dance because I don't get opportunities like that often and I definitely don't want to mess this up for myself and for Hui. Basically, I'm finally calm enough to allocate time for each thing I have to do and I feel less horrid now.
As of today, I've had two consecutive good days and I hope it stays that way for awhile...
1:04 AM