Thursday, June 28, 2007
Hoodoo by Muse
Is an awesome song. I love the build-up, going from guitar to piano. Unfortunately, I can never hear it in my car. The vocal at the start and at the end is too soft to be heard in my car. Maybe it's just that my car is very noisy. Haha! The only time when I heard the entire song was on my MP3, on my way home from work. And wow! It's like falling in love with Bellamy all over again. His voice and his pain, just makes me want to tell him 'It's ok, Matt. I'm here for you.' Delusional talk.. Haha!
And this is the best part of the song...
I've had recurring nightmares
That I was loved for who I am
And missed the opportunity
To be a better man
3:30 PM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I don't work at Candy Empire anymore
The schedule for the coming semester sucks and I'm NOT looking forward to it
Even then, I've had an awesome week, with plenty of pleasant surprises
I'm looking forward to watching Transformers tomorrow and Christina Aguilera this Saturday
I'm inspired to...
Play piano
Play guitar (if only the strings were still alive)
And I'm not inspired to...
And hence the slightly anyhow post where I try to just dump stuff in without thinking...
10:45 PM
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Update about the situation at work.
I'm only scheduled to work till this 23rd even though I told them I am able to commit till at least the first week of July.
I asked about it, but didn't get an answer. I was told to ask my boss, whom I don't get to see very often. So if I don't see him or he cannot be bothered to tell me, then I won't bother to ask. I'll just treat Saturday as my last day.
I remembered photos I took while I was at MINDS cafe in Orchard. Me and my friends played Scrabble and for the first time in my life, we kept scores! I started with a beautiful word...

And Guess what?! I won!

Cool eh?
In Loving Memory of Wembley Jr.
Wembly Jr died on Sunday, 17th June. Hui named it Wembley because we found it on the day that Muse was playing at the Wembley Arena. We wanted to go really badly by the way. Jr because it's short for June Rain (JR) and it was a rainy day. So sad... Poor Wembley Jr... Poor Wembley Jr's parents...

I love the picture. It's so cute, isn't it? :(
There are fighter planes flying around overhead yo! Coool!
6:40 PM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
12:36 AM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I'm feeling good today. Turned up for work and realised that I didn't need to work today. Because someone changed the schedule and I didn't know about it. But ohh well, it's another story for another day.
It is a new friend I met today. I shall give it a proper introduction another day when it is earlier and I'm feeling more awake...
11:31 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
It's happening again
I feel the disgusting pinch of jealousy
Not pinch actually, that's too mild
more like a slap or a punch or a kick
Am I consumed by work? That's a definite no.
Have I shut myself out from the outside whole that is not my family?
So why?
Words to describe how I feel now:
Giddy and faint
And the famous ever present thought in my head: No one will care even if I died today...
2:44 PM
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
I came home last Friday and to my surprise, little sister Celine was going through our really old CD collection. Ohh my goodness! I had a good laugh...
We've got really funky CDs! Compilation albums are the bomb yo! There's stuff like Smash Hits: Dance Party, Max 5, MTV: Music... I Like and MTV: Non-Stop Hits. HAHA! Songs in there require dramatic lip-syncing and maximum cheesy-ness. It's just not complete without it. There's songs by people like Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync, BBMak, Trademark, Mero and Five.
Ohh my goodness! Five! I have their first 2 albums and now Celine is getting a little obsessed by it. She's listening to their songs again. She's so going to kill me for announcing this to the world. Haha!
Backstreet Boys... Ah... I went for their concert ya'll! Haha! I was one of those Nick Carter fans. Eeeeeee... But I have to say, at least they had some nice songs, like Five did. The only song of theirs that I would hear even now is 1o,000 Promises. Even then, I'll only listen to the live version. It's really really nice.
And then there's people like Steps, whom I used to like. I never realised until the other day that I don't remember their songs to have such heavy techno beats. *shivers* A1... I hated them before and I still hate them now. Thank goodness i had taste buds! If I ever liked A1, it'll probably be the most embarrassing fact about me...
My gah! Have you ever heard of Point Break? 3 guy boy band, of which, only one of them can sing. One whispers and the other just doesn't do anything. They are all really good at looking pretty though. Check out the lyrics! Classic boyband lyrics!
~Do We Rock~
Do we rock, yeah yeah
Take me to the top, yeah yeah
Don't you stop, yeah yeah, whoa
Bring it on down to the next track
Sliding it to you on the lines of a kick back
Coming from a source, the Point Break force
Gonna rock you so good no choice, no peace.
B.U.M and P, G.R.I.N.D
Bump and grind, just be mine tonight
Coz if your looking for a freaky time
Freaky time baby
You can always count on me
I'll be waiting
(and repeat)
This is the best...
Now we've been thinkin' about the styles for a while
And trippin' over what's hot and what's not and what's gone under and over
But now it's time to release a kinda policeendorsement not to say it
Ain't reinforcement see
We're talkin' about the funk not the everybody punk of the riggy diggy jiggy
Of your regular punk who thinks he got the flow,he got the rhyme
WHOAH, that ain't what me railin' on
No!it's the pop and the rock 'n' the funk and the rap
Then we mix it all together makin' all kinds of crap
So that tomorrow 'n' today
Hey it's ok, Don't be frightened by the change
But don't dare get in our way of play
Coz all we hear is people askin' us how with APOCADELIC
Vibe you know we counldn't allow the sound to get around astoundin' us
Ahhhhh!! What the fuck? There's another verse to this song, but hey, let's not go there. It doesn't make any sense! *collapses from too much cheese and laugher*
Vanilla Ice takes the number one spot on
MTV's Top 100 Greatest One Hit Wonders with
Ice Ice Baby. What else right? Way to go!
Such an enjoyable show. Good job MTV!
Let's go on to something a little more serious.
It's happening again. I'm suddenly feeling out of place. At work and with my friends. I've felt like that for as long as I can remember. It sucks. I thought I was done with that. I thought I've finally found people that I feel completely at home with. The same thing is coming back to haunt me again. Let's hope I'm just thinking too much.
Listening to Muse is making me sad again. Sunburn... It gets to me all the time.
12:58 PM
Friday, June 01, 2007
I'm feeling happy now. I just had my first piano lesson in a month and it's by far the best lesson I've had.
I've always gone for lesson with all the butterflies in the world in my stomach and I mess up all the time. Stuff I can play perfectly fine at home comes out like a bunch of crap when I'm there. It's like I haven't been practicing and it pisses the living daylights out of me. It's a natural and irrational fear that I develop the moment I step out of the car and I could never compose myself enough to 'perform' well for her.
But today, I don't know what changed. Maybe it's all the songs that I've been trying to figure out in the past month, I don't know. I went feeling slightly afraid and nervous but this time, I managed to get over it and I actually did a good job. I'm so proud of myself! Hee
The maid episodes that's been happening at home has been driving some of my family members a little mad. I'm technically neutral but I complain because I want the room space that's taken up by the maid. Haha! That's why I haven't really blogged about it, but my sister did. So if you want to know what happened in greater detail, do check out the links:
3:56 PM