Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I destroyed the fucking strings on my guitar
I'm just hopeless
9:19 PM
Monday, May 28, 2007
I bought lots of gummy from work today. I'm a sucker for gummies. Cola, gummy bears, sour cola, those strips of sugar coated sour stuff, etc etc. I'm also a sucker for chips, chocolate-coated biscuits, and chocolates, mostly dark (Damn it! Where's my Wonka Fudge Hats?!). So, working at Candy Empire is probably the best job I've found so far. I'm surrounded by the sins of the world, I can ask my colleagues for recommendations and I get 10% off when I buy stuff. It's not much, but at least I get a discount. There's a ton of stuff I want to try!
So anyways, I got off work slightly later today because new stock came in today and help was needed to sort things out. There were boxes and boxes of Starburst. The Sour Gummy Worms game me such a pleasant suprise and made me feel excited for the next 15mins or so. I love love those and I get to buy them tomorrow! *cheers*
Yesterday evening, Monofone was on Power 98. It's such an exciting and sort of weird feeling to hear my (talented) friends on the radio. They were part of the Power Jam some time ago. I can't remember if they won though. But anyway, they were scheduled to be on from 5pm to 6 pm yesterday. I was watching a DVD and I thought I would miss it because the show ended at about 5.45pm. I decided to turn on the radio anyway and to my surprise, Time Is Running Out was on. It was compulsory to scream of course. Guess what?! After Muse was Monofone! How awesomely appropriate and exciting! So I didn't miss them afterall. I was telling my sisters 'Woah! I know them! I know them!'.
I'm so proud of them. And so honoured to be their friend ♥
Remember the praying mantis that was in my house for many many days?
I have a picture...

That's the one that landed on me!
Pepperidge Farm is the shit yo!
If you ever go to the supermarket, NTUC or Cold Storage or wherever, go search for Pepperidge Farm stuff. I had these biscuits that were in the shape of seashells. They're soft chocolate biscuits with one chocolate-coated side and mint bits on top. *melts* I can't remember what they're called but damn! They're good...
This is the one that I have at home now. It's not the seashell ones but ohhhhhhh myyyyyyy...

If it were physically possible, I would've been reduced to a puddle...
Like what Celine told me before I tried, my eyes are going to widen the moment I eat it. And they did... *melts into puddle and evaporates*
On one bored day, I was inspired to do this...

I suddenly remembered! Monofone is going to record Embrace End next. I can't wait! It's my favourite song of theirs...
~Out For Last, Monofone~
9:16 PM
Friday, May 25, 2007
Work, or a lack of it*sigh* I'm going to miss work again tomorrow. Yesterday, I was chased out of the store because I was still sick, I couldn't speak and hear myseld properly. I'm feeling a lot better now, but goodness knows if I'm going to react to the cold of the building, so I better stay away.
It's so disappointing that I spent my entire week at home, drugged and asleep. Even though I feel better now, I'm still suffering from the effects of drowsiness and sleeping the whole of Wednesday. I still feel somewhat whoosy and unable to focus properly. The scariest thing I had to do was drive all the way to Woodlands feeling like that. I felt like I was a potential hazard on the road, to myself and everyone else using it. I was just very thankful that I arrived safely.
And because I was feeling so dazed still, I had to postpone piano, yet again. I haven't had lesson in a month because of exams and my teacher went overseas, so I was really looking forward to the lesson today. I cancelled it in the end because it would be waste anyway.
With my spare time today, I decided not to take my meds and sleep. Instead, I decided to make full use of the time I have and take my meds at night.
I was on my piano the whole afternoon and I realised that it is a
MUST for me to move it elsewhere. I really can't stand through the afternoon.
Anyways, I got slightly demoralised today because I figured out the intro of
Idaho, but I can't play it. It involves coordination and mine's not that good. So I simplified it, which is an accomplishment still. But, I can't help but have this feeling of being incomplete. Knowing what it's supposed to sound like, but not being able to play. It's a new feeling which I don't particularly enjoy having -_-
I've got to find another to song to learn! Someone give me another song to learn!
Ever watched
My Super Sweet 16 on
MTV before? Well,
I HATE IT. With a passion. And I will never understand why my sisters still want to watch it. I bet in the near future, some ass will come up with My Super Sweet 18 or 21 or whatever age that is significant for whatever reasons.
The show represents everything I hate in people with money. Correction. People who spend their parents' money, the money's not theirs. It disgusts me. What people do with their money. Multiple designer bags that look identical, diamond encrusted watches, designer dresses and their 'I'm not gonna get that if it's less than like $10,000' attitude. *pukes*
Tell me why every damn birthday girl/boy gets a car! They can't even drive it. BMs, Merc, Lexus. I once saw this 16 year old chick who looks like she's 30, she seriously looks like an auntie, she got a custom made Hummer. A Hummer! It's been sliced in half and an extra set of doors have been added. It's a fucking 6-door Hummer, only one in the world. It's so not fucking practical. I guess they don't care much about gifts being practical.
I could go on forever, but I'm already fuming from typing out just 2 paragraphs. If I go on anymore, I'm going to turn into Peter Petrelli (exploding man!).
Come Back Down, Lifehouse
It's ______ song
9:19 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I'm living with someone whom no one really trusts. Her behaviour is questionable and she does things without thinking. She's given specific instructions that she doesn't follow.
I don't want to be mean and jump into conclusions. I'm trying to be neutral about it and give her a chance. But unfortunately, she's not giving me or anyone in my family a chance to trust her. So maybe we should just send her back and do without a maid. That way, me and Celine can have extra space in our room and I can finally move my keyboard away from that awkward spot.
I have no idea what the decision is going to be, but I am secretly hoping we decide not to hire another maid only because I desperately want to revamp my space and not have 3 people squeezed in a room. I'm tired of not having a proper table, my notes and textbooks are in cardboard boxes, I don't have a spot for my laptop, I don't have accessible shelves, everything is all over the place and I don't exactly have a spot in my house to chill out.
*sigh* As much as I don't want a maid, the decision is not up to me because I'm not the one who is dependent on one. I can do without but that doesn't mean everyone else feels the same.
There is another preying mentis in my house. This one is brown and it seems like it is attracted to brown things in my house. I guess it thinks that the brown stuff are part of nature. It's been in my house for 2 days now. My sisters first spotted it on Monday night before we went to sleep. At that time, we didn't know what it was, only that it's huge.
But today, I confirmed that it was a mentis because... It landed on me. Yup it did. I was happily sitting at the dining area and talking about the issue of the day and I saw something from the corner of my eye and felt something land on my chest. But when I looked down, I didn't see anything. Then I felt something at the back of my neck and I reached for my ponytail and I touched it (Ohhhhh Lordi!). It flew!! I touched a preying mentis! I had a SUPER close up experience with it! Eeeeew eeeeeew eeeeeew eeeeeeew eeeeeeeew!!!!
I freaked ya'll... I got immediate goosebumps! And it's still in my house... :/
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. I want to watch! But anyway, as everyone know, Chow Yun Fat is in it. And there's the famous line 'Welcome to Singapore!' Apparently, I heard from my sister yesterday, that people are not happy about that. They think that it makes Singaporeans look bad..
Like what?! Can you believe that?! It's like the middle-eastern people condemning 300 because it portrays them in a bad light. It's ridculous. It is afterall, just a film and previously, Singapore was a base for pirates. Why are people so sensitive? I was actually happy that Singapore was mentioned, more than once. In the first one, Jack Sparrow said 'Clearly, you've never been to Singapore.' I have no idea what that was supposed to mean, but hey! Our sunny island is mentioned!
Chill out, man! The show's supposed to be funny and everything is done for fun, laughter, peace and joy... Chow Yun Fat's in it! Go, Mr Chow! I'm so proud of you!
Can't focus
So drugged
Peter Petrelli
Hiro Nakamura
1:02 PM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Nerina Pallot's Idaho is really hard to figure out. But if I do manage to figure it out, it'll be my biggest accomplishment yet! ♥
I can't wait for June 30th!
Christina Aguilera is coming for a concert. Finally! Ohh, that voice of hers... I think I might actually cry...
My favourite documentary by far is
Planet Earth, narrated by
Sir David Attenborough (he's so cool by the way). I'm looking forward to this week's episode! The advertisement I saw was about frogs, tree frogs. I love frogs. I think they're so cute. I might try catching one if I have the courage to, just like I tried to catch a lizard in my house once (remember Steve Jr.?). But I didn't because it was too small and I was afraid of crushing it to death.
I saw a frog just now. After I got back from the doctor, but I was too sick to run after it. We'll see! If I do catch a frog or a lizard or whatever I dare to catch, I'll document it! Haha :)
Oh oh! I'm also looking forward to the last episode because it's all about creatures of the deep sea... It can be scary but it can be really amazing as well.
All About WorkI've been given an extra day off and I'm going to miss work again tomorrow because of the dreaded flu that's infecting half of Singapore. So in this entire week, I'd have worked only 3 days. *sigh*
Last week was great. I learned many things and I can somewhat remember the products in the store, I'm good with the customers and I'm a good employee. I think... I hope! And I conclude that kids like me. I managed to get a toddler to smile, wave and attempt to give me a flying kiss. I sort of made friends with this chinese boy who was about 6 or 7 years old. He waved goodbye to me after his mother took him out of the store. That was so fun!
Despite loving my first week at work, I'm starting to see some negative aspects of management and I conclude that every organisation, whether it's a simple store or some corporate business, has potentially messed up management. Point is, I think my boss might be biased against me. He's displaying signs of questionable behaviour.
Just yesterday, he made me feel dispensible and not trust-worthy. Well, a series of events happened yesterday that made me feel that way. It was only after I told several people and started thinking about my experience yesterday that I realised that something might be up. I'm only just speculating and I'll have to observe his reaction to my other colleagues to see if I'm right.
I was questioning myself the whole of yesterday, wondering if I did or said anything wrong. Did I portray myself as someone who cannot be trusted? Did I come across as if I wasn't capable or I'm slacking too much? Is it because I'm 10mins late sometimes? Or I take 10mins too long on my break? Maybe... But then again, as a manager, if I'm doing something wrong or something that he doesn't like, shouldn't he tell me and give me a chance to change and prove otherwise?
*sigh* I feel a sort of negative energy from him after whatever happened yesterday. I might just be thinking too much or being overly sensitive but I'll give him a chance to prove to me that he is not biased. Damn it! Do I look like someone who will steal?
Please please prove me wrong. I like working there and I like the pay...
Ohh! Drowsiness is setting in. Hands are shaky and my mind is shutting down...!
9:45 PM
Saturday, May 19, 2007
I got a surprise at work today. My mum and my sister came and I had company during lunch. Anyway, I had a papaya today and it tested like... Beer. Yes, beer! I thought I was going to get high for awhile. But of course, I didn't. It'll be interesting if I did though...

The beer papaya
While having a pack of gummy bears, Celine came up with a brilliant idea...

Sylar strikes!
"My name is Sylar!"
Sure it is...
My stamp!

Cool eh?
Check out what I found in a veggie dish months ago

Compare it with this...

Cool eh?
That's the end of my random pictures post. I had a whole stash of pictures that I've been wanting to post but I kept procrastinating. Haha!
9:19 PM
Friday, May 18, 2007
Day off ya'll!
Mei Cai
I bought stuff from work:
Arnott's Mint Slice Balls
Giant Wonka Bar
Tofinek's Caramel Waffer
WOOT! They're nice...
I finally got to hear Absolution in my car
After weeks and weeks of driving without it
I realised that I miss it a lot
Ahh... The memories...
1:27 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
And all I needed was lots of sleep... Hee!
I missed my piano
But I got to practice just now
There was a rather strange customer who came in today and made lots of noise. I missed part of the action because I went to the toilet. But anyways, when I got back, I heard this guy talking really loudly. From the bits and pieces I caught, I think it's about the guy getting bad service last night.
This is what I heard...
'I had a $1,ooo bill that I wanted to break into smaller notes. I went to Marche and they happily changed for me but when I came here and bought $100 worth of goods, I couldn't do the same...' (missed a bunch of stuff) '...Can a person hold 2 jobs in Singapore? Because he (supervisor) flashed his police ID...' (lots of Hokkien) '...I want to call the police and have his badge removed...'
Chill yo! I don't know what the big deal about that is, but I think he got ignored for awhile and the cashier who attended to him told him we didn't have enough change. So he came back today and demanded for an explanation. I don't know why a police badge was invloved. But the guy was angry and wanted to speak to the manager and stuff. It's most probably a really really minute issue that was blown out of proportion. Apparently, I heard that the guy is one of those people who thinks he's the king of the world just because he's got money. Anyway, he eventually left and later in the day, I heard that the supervisor invloved and one of my colleagues went to the police station to settle stuff. Damn, it's serious.
The scary thing about it is, I was told that if the guy comes back again, we'll have to call the police or security. Please, please don't come back! Be at peace!
There's a killer litter at my place. Neighbouring block. Someone threw a whole bunch of tos downstairs. My dad saw but he couldn't identify which floor it came from. It's super dangerous because where the toys land, is where people are likely to walk to get to that block. The insensitivity of some people. Such nausea-inducing behaviour. *sigh*
9:47 PM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
It's only day 2 and I'm axhausted. Work's actually been great. It's not so much the overused legs that get to me. What bugs me is the fact that I didn't have a good rest at night. I can't focus properly, I yawn a lot, I'm prone to making mistakes and I don't have a high tolerance of tired legs. I'm honestly fine with it considering I had to endure similar discomforts for 6 months of my life while working at Subway.
I'm so thankful that I'm surrounded by candy and all things sinful, and my supervisors and my colleagues are all really nice. Unlike Subway, I didn't have to deal with all the customers that came in and out. The only contact I have with people is when they've got something to ask. So compared to Subway, I have less annoying people to deal with. When I'm at work, I'm not annoyed like I am at Subway, I feel that everything that happens there is tolerable. Actually, the only thing I had to tolerate so far is my aching body from standing around for about 8 hours. I'm actually very happy, if only I didn't have a total lack of sleep.
On Sunday night, I couldn't really sleep because I was nervous about my first day and I only had about 5 hours of sleep or so. Which is completely understandable. But, I didn't have a good night's sleep on Monday night even though I was totally exhausted, and I went for yoga class after work that day. I thought I would just be knocked out the moment I hit my bed. But no... I didn't sleep until about 1am and I think I woke up earlier than 7. So, no amount of eye cream is going to get rid of my super dark circles and bags. *sigh*
The Tag GunI got to use a tag gun! Which is one of those things that you use to paste price tags and supplier information. When I was first introduced to the tag gun, I was excited because I've always wanted to use one of those. But, I overused it. I had boxes and boxes of junk to tag. Each item in the box had to be tagged. Supplier tags go at the back and price tags go in front of the bag. My first mistake: I pasted the supplier tag in front (for some strange unexplanable reason). I did that for 3 boxes of biscuits. So how? Unpack, tear and tag again. I was telling my sister that I'm going to have nightmares about the tag gun. In my dream, I will have a million boxes to tag and I will have a voice in my head telling me 'Supplier tag in front...'
CashieringUnfortunately, I haven't had a chance to be a cashier yet, which is good considering I would have miscalculated endless times. But I did get to help pack the items in a bag and weigh the pick 'n' mix! haha
Today, something interesting happened. The branch supervisor came to talk to me and asked me about my parents and my hobbies. (haha!) I ended up having a half an hour conversation with him about music! He was telling me about bands like Nirvana, Oasis, Live, Audioslave and a lot of other bands which I can't remember now. Guess what? He says he's going to loan me his CDs! How cool is that?!
We also talked about the most uncomprehendable genre of music: Techno. We both hate it with a passion. Like what's up with that?
Hmmm.. That's about all my brain can squeeze out right now. So today was a generally interesting and happy day. And I need sleep. Like now...
* Note: So sorry if certain sentences don't sound right or things don't link ;)
8:55 PM
It's only day 2 and I'm axhausted. Work's actually been great. It's not so much the overused legs that get to me. What bugs me is the fact that I didn't have a good rest at night. I can't focus properly, I yawn a lot, I'm prone to making mistakes and I don't have a high tolerance of tired legs. I'm honestly fine with it considering I had to endure similar discomforts for 6 months of my life while working at Subway.
I'm so thankful that I'm surrounded by candy and all things sinful, and my supervisors and my colleagues are all really nice. Unlike Subway, I didn't have to deal with all the customers that came in and out. The only contact I have with people is when they've got something to ask. So compared to Subway, I have less annoying people to deal with. When I'm at work, I'm not annoyed like I am at Subway, I feel that everything that happens there is tolerable. Actually, the only thing I had to tolerate so far is my aching body from standing around for about 8 hours. I'm actually very happy, if only I didn't have a total lack of sleep.
On Sunday night, I couldn't really sleep because I was nervous about my first day and I only had about 5 hours of sleep or so. Which is completely understandable. But, I didn't have a good night's sleep on Monday night even though I was totally exhausted, and I went for yoga class after work that day. I thought I would just be knocked out the moment I hit my bed. But no... I didn't sleep until about 1am and I think I woke up earlier than 7. So, no amount of eye cream is going to get rid of my super dark circles and bags. *sigh*
The Tag GunI got to use a tag gun! Which is one of those things that you use to paste price tags and supplier information. When I was first introduced to the tag gun, I was excited because I've always wanted to use one of those. But, I overused it. I had boxes and boxes of junk to tag. Each item in the box had to be tagged. Supplier tags go at the back and price tags go in front of the bag. My first mistake: I pasted the supplier tag in front (for some strange unexplanable reason). I did that for 3 boxes of biscuits. So how? Unpack, tear and tag again. I was telling my sister that I'm going to have nightmares about the tag gun. In my dream, I will have a million boxes to tag and I will have a voice in my head telling me 'Supplier tag in front...'
CashieringUnfortunately, I haven't had a chance to be a cashier yet, which is good considering I would have miscalculated endless times. But I did get to help pack the items in a bag and weigh the pick 'n' mix! haha
Today, something interesting happened. The branch supervisor came to talk to me and asked me about my parents and my hobbies. (haha!) I ended up having a half an hour conversation with him about music! He was telling me about bands like Nirvana, Oasis, Live, Audioslave and a lot of other bands which I can't remember now. Guess what? He says he's going to loan me his CDs! How cool is that?!
We also talked about the most uncomprehendable genre of music: Techno. We both hate it with a passion. Like what's up with that?
Hmmm.. That's about all my brain can squeeze out right now. So today was a generally interesting and happy day. And I need sleep. Like now...
8:55 PM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Ladies and gentlemen,
I have a job! Candy Empire, Vivo City. Do come visit me. I'm so glad I managed to find a job within the first week of my holidays. Woot! Yeap! So I shall anounce to everyone, I work the morning shift, which is 9am to 6pm. So, I'll only be free to go out after 6. Haha! Ohh yeah! And my off days are currently Fridays and Sundays. Yay!
So friends, I'm not as free as before. :( But at least I don't work the night shift, which is 1.30pm to 10.30pm. If I work like that everyday, I'll have not much of a life yo!
I hope I like it there! :)
I'm pissed ya'll...
Story of yesterdayI was travelling on the AYE and on my way to Clementi last night. Happily travelling on the second lane and I wanted to cut over to the third. So my signal was on, I checked my mirrors and blindspots and everything was clear. While I was slowly moving into the third lane, I heard the engine of some car. One of those sports car sounding engines. Before I knew it, two pimped up cars sped right pass me on the left. My natural reaction was to swerve back to the second. To my horror, more idiotic pimped up cars sped by on my right. So basically, I swerved right to avoid the dudes on the left and swerved left again because of more idiotic dudes in their idiotic cars.
I could have died ya'll! Together with the passengers in my car. There were at least 5 of those disgustingly, idiotic-ly, inconsiderate, uncaring, stupid dudes in their ohh-I'm-so-cool-in-my-fast-car-and-I-can-pick-up-tons-of-chicks-in-it kind of cars. It's a public fucking road. I cannot believe that you are stupid enough to endanger yourselves and (ohh my god) all other road users just because you have a 'need for speed'. Unlike you, we want to get to places like home SAFELY. Ever heard of that?! S.A.F.E.T.Y?! I don't think so...
To the dudes in their 'cool' cars with totally uncool morals: May karma find you...
That alone pisses me off. I just don't understand how people can be so in thier own world and think of nothing else but themselves.
As if that's not enough...
I basically just got partially scolded. You see, after the last idiot zoomed past, I hit my horn. But not much of a sound came out. So people actually told me that I shouldn't have done that. And that I was looking for trouble. If that's the case then I might as well have my car horn removed since I'll never know who is the crazy one who will whack me to bits if I used it. What's the horn for then?! It's for alerting people, is it not? So what? I shouldn't use it then? If I have a very good reason to use it, then I should. And (touch wood), if I do get whacked one day for using it for a damn good reason, then we know who the ass is. Plus I was scared and I felt like I had to do something like make some noise or something. The horn was the best way to go.
So I don't understand... I don't like to be bullied. Under circumstances like these, you HAVE to do something. It's the fucking horn! All it does, is create noise. No physical damage is done to anyone or anything. You can't even go deaf with it. Ohh right! Ohh my god! If I hit the horn, people will start disintegrating on the inside and die because their insides turn to mush! Right! -_-
Whatever was said made me feel like I'm wrong for trying to defend my rights to safety on the road. That is utter rubbish!
You can't tell me stuff like that
You actually don't have the rights to
I'm suppose to respect you
But I find it really hard to do that
You don't even know how I drive
So don't presume you know
And DON'T tell me that I should do this or that
Or that I have to remember this or that
Like as if I don't already know
I do the things that you presume I don't
I don't do the things you presume I do
I dare say I'm a safe driver
And whoever disagrees, please tag me and let me know
I'm going to burn in hell for this
6:47 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I realised that there's ALOT to blog about. I'm actually surprised that my first week of holiday is actually packed. I've had plans on every weekday since last Friday. Which is rather strange because my weekends are always spent at home and weekdays have been spent out. I guess it's a good thing because public places are packed with people on weekends... Like what Miss Stubborn said 'coagulation of humans'... haha!
Friday, 4th May '07
The day of my last paper! What a happy happy day filled with LOADS of food. Let's see... We had duck rice, trip to the Ikea restaurant for chicken wings and some really nice fish and chips and hot dog bun after. Goodness gracious! We ate at 2 hour intervals I think! We played mahjong and ended the day at a Hong Kong restaurant at the Thompson area. I had this dessert that had mangoes and pomelo in it. Not bad, not bad...
Here are some of the pictures that we took and what some of my evil friends had to say...
Ah well... Despite the evilness of some un-named person, I still had fun! I remember being very tired, but it was fun still :)
Monday, 7th May '07
Monofone rocked Bar None! And I had a blast! They are fantastic! I'm so happy that they are going to record Embrace End, my favourite song of theirs! *cheers* I can't wait!
The best thing about that night? I got to spend it with Hui and friends, who happen to be wonderful people! All of us are psycho! It is absolutely awesome that the people who were there were such good company... Going for Monofone gigs never disappoint!
I enjoyed myself so much, I can't even describe it! I suck at describing stuff anyways! haha! I'll award people points then. So, 10 thousand million billion points to everyone! ♥
And they had to play Buttons... Thanks ah!
Tuesday, 8th May '07
Met up with Hui, Koustav and Jessica for dinner. I finally got my Miu Miu slippers fixed! And I think the funniest thing about it is, they're sending my right shoe all the way to Hong Kong. So, My right is with me and my left shoe is travelling before me. Great!
I got to satisfy my Sushi Tei craving. There was my usual soba, sashimi and tofu. What a wonderful dinner it was, filled with alot of jokes and near-cramps from laughing too much.
Headed over to Starbucks to chill and have more laughs. Unfortunately, I couldn't have my favourite Vanilla Latte because it was 9.30pm and unless I want to forget about sleeping that night, I better stick to a caffeine-free drink, Raspberry Frap :)
Wednesday, 9th May '07
I went job hunting with Clara and Yuenling. We found a few potential ones so we're keeping our fingers crossed. I hope we get something gooooood...
Thursday, 10th May '07
A day at home with my piano and hopefully my long forgotten guitar and yoga later in the day. I hate the schedule sometimes. It's very in the middle of nowhere...
11:54 AM
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Yeah freedom is mine
And you know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
Exams are finally over! :)
Time for Little Miss Sunshine
5:00 PM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
While preparing for my last paper, which is tomorrow *cheers loudly*, I got hungry. Thankfully, I'm at my parents' office, which happens to be really near an MRT station. What's at the MRT station? A bakery and a shopping mall.
Hello, doughnuts! I feel so happy that I am able to get fabulous doughnuts and a cup of bubble tea. Ohh my goodness... Unfortunately, I don't have a camera with me, so no pictures! Maybe next time :)
Anyway, let me tell you! The doughnuts are not oily and it's coated with generous amounts of.... Icing sugar, fine fine icing sugar that isn't disgustingly sweet! *faints* And the bubble tea... My favourite is just the simple Green Tea with Pearls. My my.... Nice pearls count for a lot! Bouncy, chewy and also not too sweet!
I get yummy goodness without sickly sweetness... NICE!
Now I can study in peace... ♥
4:41 PM