Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Thank YOU
For letting this week go smoothly
With the projects and tests coming,
I really need things to go as planned
I know I'm pretty bad at multi-tasking
But I'm learning
I'm thankful for not having to deal with more than 2 things a day
Doesn't matter if there were small imperfections here and there
I'm thankful for the smooth sailing and wonderfully understanding friends
11:06 PM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I am too hard on myself sometimes
It's not healthy
10:15 PM
Monday, March 26, 2007
What a week I had
Much ups and downs
Much news from Hui :)
Great 'celebrtion' with my girls
With the awesome duck rice
I'm so so glad they all liked it
It was generally a great day for us to unwind
I definitely want to do that again
Finally found the chicken rice I thought I would never eat again
Someone slacked a little too much
And I have another tough week ahead
With 2 projects to handle and a test
I have to step it up 937851094375 notches
If I want the week to go well
So far, not a great way to start the week
Not great at all
I think I'm crumbling
And falling apart
Someone give me some strength
Motivation and inspiration as well
1:32 AM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Dear Everyone,
While changing the template of my blog to this beautiful one you see, I unfortunately did not realise that my tagboard is SCREWED UP. Where you type to tag, the background and font are of the same colour.
So sorry about that! I'll fix that when I'm free. Note: Which will take awhile due to projects and tests. School is sick and it drives people crazy.
*Cynthia sighs*
How can IStand here with youAnd not be moved by youWould you tell meHow could it beAny better than thisAhhhh... What a beautiful song
Such simple lyrics
Everything by
LifehouseCompulsory to melt
I've got a new found artist to listen to
Nerina PallotDamn.. She can play both the piano and guitar
~Nerina Pallot, Everybody's Going To War (live)~
12:31 AM
Friday, March 23, 2007
Did I mention that school sucks?
I need coffee
Where's my vanilla latte?
I need sleep
Project... Eeeew...
Many people around
Construction for escalator
Don't get me started on that
Duck rice
Chicken rice
Back hurts
Need yoga soon
I'm just sad..
11:19 AM
Monday, March 19, 2007
I'm clearly disturbed today
I'm going to school in an hour
For a test I am not prepared to take
Damn my time management
Other Self: Just chill... This takes up only 20% of overall. So technically, you don't need to worry.Self: But it still has weightage over my final score. And I don't want a repeat of last sem's Accounts.Other Self: You started late and there's no time for you to do much now. So just chill.. Listen to Muse...Self: Damn it! I'm scared..Other Self: You're going to leave the exam hall early because you can't answer the questions. You can still make it for MCQ but short answer questions will definitely be a problem. You have what? 45mins to chiong the rest. Can you?.
I can't... Damn the voices in my head...
I desperately need to review my study methods
It's not working for me
As of now, I have practically given up on the test
Can I just be a rockstar?
No I can't...
~Muse, Darkshines~
4:01 PM
I heard the live recording of Muse Live at Fort Canning
Butterflies and Hurricanes
Damn it, Muse! You did a damn good job
Which is why I couldn't help but shed a tear
Remembering the day
The excitement of the day that lead to misery in the end
Why does it have to be this unfair?
My own playlist is killing me...
I want to stand in the rain...
2:50 PM
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Somebody pinch me!
Slap me!
Punch me!
I need to know that this is not a dream
And that it is actually going to happen
My dream might actually come true
Alot of my dreams
Stuff that I only talk, dream and fantasize about
It might happen!
Thank you, all of you
From the bottom of my heart
12:02 AM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Am I such a terrible person?
Did I do or say something wrong?
Do I deserve it?
9:43 PM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Including the one in my head
~I can't get it right...~
10:20 PM
Monday, March 12, 2007
During one normal, stomach-upsetting dinner
I saw a lizard resting on the light above the table
By the way, it's not the lizard that upset my tummy
Steve Jr. got itself stuck on the light

Things have died in there.. Bugs...
Behind Steve Jr., where the light is coming from, is bowl shaped
So bugs end up getting stuck in there and *sizzles*
They end up fried
So I was afraid that Steve Jr. will suffer the same fate
Not very pleasant now is it?
It circled for the longest time
AND eventually got itself out of danger
Yes, I named the lizard
It's Steve Jr. because it's smaller than Steve
I can be quite bored sometimes....
~Muse, Screenager (live in Paris)~
8:42 PM
Friday, March 09, 2007
I should be ______ (Fill in appropriate word)
But unfortunately, I'm not
However, I do love piano
It's the one thing I look forward to every week
And it's one good thing that's going for me
~Monofone, Overidden~
10:17 PM
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Ohh how it brightens up my day
The joy that it brings
Think of all the possibilities
And the experiences I'm going to have
*dances with joy*
Thank you, Hui! For sharing such wonderful news
9:01 PM
Monday, March 05, 2007
Check this out!

Monofone is performing at NUS! Woo!! Can't wait!
I want my voice back by then! Thanks! :)
Wooo! I'm feeling all woozy! From the cough syrup I just took.. Let's hope I can type properly.. Haha!
Ohh yes.. Talking about cough syrup.. I went to see a doctor today. Thank goodness I did because I finally found out what was causing all the non-stop coughing. I have tonsilitis, is that how it is spelt? Anyway, the doctor actually took a picture of my throat with his digicam. Ohh my goodness! The back of my throat has this huge ulcer looking thing. No wonder it hurts so bad! Yikes!
Anyway, I'm happy that I found myself a favourite doctor... :)
* Ohh by the way, I ain't posting the picture even if I had it.. ;)~*~
Cough got worse for a moment today. All because I screamed. Not a very wise thing to do indeed...
I stepped into the toilet at my parents' office with my sister. I went in after her. She took the first step in and screamed. She stepped on a cockroach. Me, being scared of cockroaches, screamed naturally. SICK!
It's not dead of course! Cockroaches don't die so easily right? Which makes them even more sick... There the cockroach lay, half dead. My sis tried to wash it down a drain but it struggled the moment water touched it. *More screams*
The both of us sat on counter in the toilet and I wanted to sweep it somewhere with a broom. Haha! It was hilarious, yet extremely disturbing at the same time. 2 girls screaming at a half dead cockroach and sitting on the counter..
My mum came and saved the day! We called her of course...! Haha! Damn! I can't imagine what it must have been like for my sis to have stepped on the damn thing. Makes my skin crawl...
This reminds me of another cockroach incident I had in the same toilet. This time, I was alone. There was a huge ass cockroach in the toilet. All nice and healthy and perfectly capable of scrambling around. I armed myself with a broom (the same broom I used today) and sat on the same counter. Started it nudging it towards the door. It took the hint and crawled out. Ohh Thank goodness for that!!
If my dad found out, he would have scolded us for it. Haha! He's always saying how bugs are so small and harmless, and we shouldn't be afraid of them.. Ohh not cockroaches. They are SICK to the core!
Hence, I applaud Hui! I will always remember how she just stuck her hand out and grabbed a flying cockroach. Walked all the way outside the hawker center and set it free far far away from me... I could NEVER do that! *Cheers*
Well, I'm off to being woozy and converting videos from Youtube! Woot!
~Christina Aguilera, Save Me From Myself~
Did I mention how beautiful her voice is? Yes it is...
8:39 PM
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Hi everyone!
Check out my new blog layout. Nice huh? I like it... Got it from Haha!
Anyway, I really don't like the phrase 'Faith is believing in the unseen...'
So please bear with it while I try to figure out how to get rid of it without messing up the alignment.
Maybe someone can help me?
6:53 PM
Something huge happened today
Not something I'm particularly happy about though
It's been a part of me my whole life
So how do I even begin talking about it?
How do I get out of it?
How do I find something of my own?
5:07 PM
Friday, March 02, 2007
I haven't visited the Astronomy Picture of the Day site in awhile
Look what I found...

I hope it's big enough
Its the beautiful comet McNaught in between lightning and fireworks
Check out the
link for the full description
10:14 PM
What a horrid horrid day
Handed the assignment in 2 and a half hours late
So silly to think that pick-up will be late
What a terrifying rush to finish the damn assignment
Half the time, feeling woozy and headache-ish
My goal this semester is to do well
But this isn't a great start to getting good results is it?
Giving the excuse that I am sick is just not right
I only fell sick the day before
So what kind of an excuse is that?
I suck...
9:47 PM
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Tomorrow's piano lesson needed to be postponed
Because some brilliant person sucks at time management
Left things undone in the last minute
On top of that, the same brilliant person is also sick
Which of course doesn't make things a whole lot easier to deal with
Damn this brilliant person!
10:04 PM