
Dance ♥
I find the universe very interesting
& jellyfishes are fascinating yet scary





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layout by: lyna*

Sunday, February 25, 2007

ooops...! I forgot to add...


I miss dancing. I just realised. After watching the DVD of the '05 concert just yesterday.

*sigh* I think what added to missing it is the fact that what we love to do - but unfortunately had to stop doing due to various reasons - is truly appreciated by people whom we truly appreciate.


*Deep sigh*

I do want to dance again... But I don't know when that will be...

11:42 PM

After a week of dressing up and feeling great, I end my dress-up-season with a bang. A bang being a hard fall...

I pick at it...
Pick at it...
Pick at it...

It seems to me like the better I feel about myself, the harder I fall when I make a mistake. Maybe I should just stop trying. Or maybe it's just the whole expectation thing. I just want to quit feeling like this...

Please don't ask...


I have sudden thoughts about getting my tattoo.

I still want one on my wrist. Just not that.

I'm still toying with ideas.


'Qui a coupé lé fromage...'

Freakazoid is the best superhero... Ever!


Where are you...?

~Muse, Gallery~

8:41 PM

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I came across something rather interesting today. Amused for like 5 secs...

I saw 2 familiar in Cleo's 50 most eligible bachelors. Haha! One of them was from JC and the other a secondary school classmate I used to sit beside. Haha! It's sooooo amusing!


Love Ch5! They use Muse songs for almost all of their advertisements! Love the latest one!

The Italian Job. Map of the Problematique! My favourite song sia!

And guess who's in it? Edward Norton... Makes the advertisement that much more exciting!

10:49 PM

Monday, February 19, 2007

I was inspired today. To put up a mood chart. What a joke! Haha

The y-axis represents my mood. Positive mood range from 0 to 100. Negative mood range from 0 to negative infinity, i.e I haven't decided on the range of my bad mood. The x-axis represents the days of the lunar new year. First day is 1, second is 2 and so on.

As above, my mood was in the positive range yesterday. I had fun during the first half of the day actually. Wore my Bellamy-Outfit 1 (cuter more schoolgirl look. Mleh!), took fun pictures of my family and had a good lunch. It was during late afternoon that my mood slowly went down. All due to my mother's, sometimes questionable, principles and lifestyle. Creates a lot of tension in the house. Which of course, can be tough to deal with. Basically, someone in the house happens to make a decision that is against her principles and due to that, she get's upset.

I'm not angry her or anything. It's just that her mood affected everyone around her. She took only 5mins to finish dinner, leaving just me and my dad. Celine hasn't been feeling too well, so she took the night off and rested. To summarise everything, I spent time alone last night because my elder sister wasn't at home. So it's not exactly how I wanted to spend the night.

Day 2 got worse! I think it has alot to do with the activities of the day. By then, my mother was feeling alright and not attitude-y in any way. But today was damn boring... It's open house today so I had to stay home. Even the small activity of the day that lasted a couple of hours wasn't enough to keep my mood up. Now, I'm back to being alone. Celine's resting and my sister is out with her friends. I was hoping I would be able to invite friends over, but they're all busy... Ah well...


The dotted line on the graph is my prediction of how I'm going to feel over the next 5 days. Looks promising doesn't it? I hope my predictions are correct!

I think I'm definitely going to feel better tomorrow because tomorrow is visit-relatives-day. Plus, I'm going to wear my Bellamy-Outfit 2 (more kickass and dangerous look. Haha!) and that's exciting on it's own. Basically, there's going to be activity and I will be with great company. I will post pictures soon!

Day 4 is very uncertain. Was supposed to be meeting my uni girls to visit each other. I've always wanted to do that. And in the evening, I'll be meeting Candice, Gwen and Szu Harn. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!

Day 5. I have nothing on that day. So let's wait and see how I feel...

Day 6. School. That alone is annoying. And the fabulous thing is, it's not only one class! I have 2! So I'll be in school from 9.30am to 5pm. Wow!

I'm totally looking forward to Day 7. I'll be going over to Hui's to meet Monofone, probably Rachel and Yan Ping. We're going to hang out and watch videos. Cool!

Conclusion: It's all about the activity. The less activity I have, the more my mood drops. Today's an exception though, I had many people over, but I still feel rather shitty. Ah well, tomorrow's going to be a better day...

  • Note to self: I like this mood chart thing. It's fun! I should have other charts as well... *ponders*

~Jason Mraz, Plane~

11:41 PM

Monofone Frans (...Ferdinand...)

Me, Hui and Rachel are known as Monofone frans (friends + fans = frans). I came up with it! Silly but true!

They are such a wonderful and discouragingly good-looking bunch of people. They're such cool people to hang out with. I had tons of fun that day even though I had a headache! And I don't usually get headaches so I was actually not feeling very myself that day.

I can't praise them enough! They make awesome music, they sound great, they are inspiring, they are so grateful for the things they've achieved and to the people around them, they're so humble, they're very good-looking and they are my friends! How cool is that?!

Hui made a very good point that day. It's so unbelievable that we're friends of people who make such good music. It's like there are 2 different sides. How we are friends and fans at the same time.

I really enjoy hanging out with them. I get loads of laughs and I can't wait to meet them again soon... :)


Notes On A Scandal

Is one psychotic show about psycho friends. Yikes. Judi Dench did a good job though. She always plays some really cool classy lady. Now, she's the psycho friend. Cate Blanchett is really pretty and of course, a really good actress. Love her as Galadriel in Lord of the Rings. And Bill Nighy is in it too! He's very versatile. He was hilarious in Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy as Slartibartfast (what a name!), he's Davy Jones in Pirates 2 and the crazy Christmas carols guy in Love Actually. I think it's cool that he can be really silly and really serious as well. I'm impressed!

The show reminded me of a psycho friend I had in secondary school. Goodness...


First Day of New Year

Loved my outfit but got bored after awhile... Took some photos which I will upload soon.

I did like visiting my parents' friend though. This auntie that lives in Ang Moh Kio. I remember eating bak kwa everytime I'm there. And the bak kwa is not the small cut up pieces. She serves as it is, in giant pieces. I loved that!

*sigh* But tomorrow's going to be quite boring. I'll be home because it's open house. My cousins come over to visit but they're only here in the late afternoon. Plus, I'm not close to them anymore so it's not much of an excitement for them to come over. And I need to get some studying done before I die of stress a few weeks later...

I'm addicted to...
~Muse, Fury~

12:15 AM

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

With the magic link that my sister gave me, I happily converted 11 videos for my iPod. WAH! I finally Muse b-sides! Like Fury, Glorious, Easily, Dead Star and Can't Take My Eyes Off You. And!! I managed to get the music videos for Feeling Good and Stockholm Syndrome. I love love those videos! And there are more to come..!!

The great thing about it is you can convert to other formats like mp3 and some others listed on the site! Click here for the link! Enjoy!! :)

Hui! I can show you all the videos and/or send to you!

~The Fray, Trust Me~

11:37 PM

Monday, February 12, 2007


New discovery! I finally got around to searching for Muse b-sides. Well not exactly. But ohh my goodness! Glorious and Fury are such AWESOME songs!! *Faints* Why am I not in Japan? You see... Glorious is the hidden track in Black Holes & Revelations (Japanese Version) and so is Fury. That is totally unfair!

However, thankfully, I have this link that my sis found. It converts Youtube videos into whatever format that you want. I'm going to convert all the b-sides and dump them all into my iPod!


10:17 PM

I wish...

I wasn't jealous of you...

I wasn't prone to saying stupid things...

I was less picky...

I was more patient...

I had less expectations...

I was more musical...

I was more comfortable around people...

I was less critical...

I was more comfortable with myself...

I had more faith in you...

I could start over...

I knew where I was going...

I was a little more wanted..

I liked me a little more...


And sometimes...

I wish I could leave and never come back.

Start a new life elsewhere...
Be a different person...
Live differently...

I get so tired of trying to better myself. I seem to have a whole long list of things to deal with that is never-ending. I get tired of having to deal with it. I just want to run and disappear. Seems easier that way.*suddenly thinks of Eisenheim's disappearing act* I just hate who I am.

Like I'm not good enough...
Not cool enough...
Not smart enough...
Not pretty enough...
Not skinny enough...
Not tall enough...
Not funny enough...
Not sociable enough...

I could go on and on... So, can I just disappear? Of course not. That won't be responsible. I've got to do at least one thing that I won't hate... That is, don't run.

P/S: All of the above, is just S O M E T I M E S... Don't hound me about it!

~Muse, New Born~

9:08 PM

Sunday, February 04, 2007

It's times like these when I wish...

I had my own room...

*deep sigh*

11:42 PM

I'm in a very strange mood now. I'm neither happy nor sad. At certain moments in time, I'll feel alright then I'll feel upset about some minute thing. My usual way of putting it, I'm feeling very bleh now. I have 10million things on my mind. 10million issues I'm thinking about. *sigh* I can't seem to sort them out and get them out of my head. That bugs me more than anything. I'm so flooded with thoughts it's ridiculous. It's that feeling of trying to address every issue all at the same time. Or trying to deal with one thing and knowing that you have 9,999,999 other issues to deal with.


There are so many things I want to do, so many things I want to achieve, so many things I want for myself. But can I get there? Can I get it? Am I too ambitious? Maybe I'm not cut out for it. Maybe I'm 'destined' to be an ordinary soul on a tiny red dot. I think I'm too ambitious. Or too impatient. So much inside, but I can't get it out...

All the truth unwinding
Scrapping away
At my mind
Please stop asking
Me to describe


Pan's Labyrinth

Watch it! It's really really good. One of the best movies I've watched so far. A little heartbreaking though...

If only I were like her, whether her kingdom is real or not. If only I could have something that makes me feel special and good about myself, or somewhere I can escape to and feel happy.


My nose is so stuck, I can't breathe...


I 'jammed' with Celine at home today. I played keyboard and she rocked out on her imaginary drums and real drum sticks. Haha! Starlight and Apocalypse Please...

~Howie Day, Ghost (live)~

9:49 PM

Thursday, February 01, 2007

I was preparing breakfast this morning

The TV was on, TRL

Suddenly, a familiar song

No, no.. Not Muse

It was The Fray, How To Save A Life

I've never seen the video before

So I run to the living room

And bashed my knee right into the coffee table

-_- So silly somebody. Minus points!

So now, I've got a bruised knee and I can't squat or kneel

Way to go, Ping!


1:00 PM