It was an utter disappointment. Not because the band wasn't good or because the sound system sucked. The band sounded fantastic of course, that goes without saying and the sound was alright. Better than it would if the concert was held at Indoor Stadium. But it was terrifying and terrible because of everything else besides that. Here's what happened...
Eve of ConcertI went down to Fort Canning with Hui and Rachel to look around. Find out where the main entrance and toilets are. To our pleasant surprise, the band was already there doing sound checks. On our way up the hill, we heard what sounded like distant drum beats and of course, we got all excited. When we got closer to the top, we heard the guitar, went insane and ran all the way up the hill. It was unbelieveable! We went around the venue searching for a nice spot to stand and listen. Eventually, we ended up at the second level of the SDT building which was directly in front of the stage but a distance away. We could see them but couldn't see their faces and they only played music, there was no singing. But hey, it's a good enough sneak preview.
We made our way back down the hill and back to the main entrance where we met our very first group of Muse fans, a bunch of 4 really cool people who have been following their music for 5 years. They are in a band and they play Muse covers. If I didn't rememeber wrongly, they love playing Butterflies and Hurricanes and I love that song. Anyway, we hung around after the band left and got to know each other and our plans for the next day.
Me, Hui and Rachel were totally excited, especially after stumbling upon their sound check. We couldn't wait for concert day. We could only imagine how great it was going to be.
Concert DayI was there at Fort Canning with Hui at 7.30am. Yup! We're hardcore. We couldn't stand the thought of having other people between us and Muse. But unfortunately, we weren't the first to arrive and we were hoping we would be. It's alright though because we were second, which was cool still. We made more fellow Muse fans and they were really nice people too.
And on to something extremely random... We realised that the concert was held opposite the National Museum of Singapore and from where we were, all we saw was...

Cool huh?The wait was extremely long. I painted my nails, wrote my letter to Muse and prepared the gift that some of us had for them. Ohh yes, I napped under the hot sun too, went to the bathroom several times and had to fight off ants.
8pm was finally nearing. Me and my friends were the first few to be let in and of course, we got front row spots. I had to get out though, to get Celine because she had school and all. That's when the nightmare started. While trying to squeeze my way back in, I came across a group of fuckers. This group of young Ang Moh punks. They refused to let me pass. And while I was there feeling bad that I had to squeeze pass people and I understand that it's not very nice. But I didn't wait from 7.30am just to be stuck with a bunch of idiots. I tried explaining my situation and they said I was lying. Fuck. A bunch of GUYS bullying 2 girls. I curse you, all of you for being the fuckers that you are. I hope you NEVER find yourself a decent girl and remain alone and pathetic for the rest of your sorry lives.
I was desperate of course and started to panic. But Celine was there with me and I had to keep it together for her. And thank goodness I have wonderful friends who were trying to yell at everyone around them to let us pass, but of course, no one budged. They managed to get one of the security guys in front to help us out. So we got away from the idiots and managed to get in from the front. Thank you nameless saviour, I was supposed to take a picture with him but I never did. Thank you to the people who were kind enough to let me pass, not everyone were idiots. And the moment I was safely back with my friends, I broke down. I was just so thankful that I got Celine safe and I was so so afraid that all that queuing will amount to nothing.
So we were all at the nice spot with my beautiful banner ready to go up. Then all hell broke loose. People from behind starting pushing not only forward, but left and right as well. And because it was a slope, the people infront had the weight of others and gravity against us. It was so fucking scary. It went on for awhile and I wanted out but I didn't want to give up without a fight. Everyone around us, basically whoever was in front started yelling for the back people to stop. That didn't work and we tried pushing back which didn't help either. Celine was right in front, between me and the barrier. And the poor girl had to handle all that weight and she's damn tough but she couldn't take it. Apart of having to handle the physical force of all the idiots, she had to deal with fear. Fear of getting hurt, getting crushed and it's definitely not something that a 15 year old can handle.
It went on for the longest time and I swear, my ribs and my lungs were being compressed and squashed by everyone. Being behind Celine, I tried to push back to relieve some of the weight she had to withstand. Of course, being the small framed person I am, I couldn't help much. I really thought something was going to happen. I thought I was going to go down or pass out. Or worse, one my friends will get hurt or even worst, something happens to Celine. Security people at the front were actually lost. They didn't know what to do to handle the situation. They said that there was nothing that they can do. Don't bullshit me. There's definitely something you can do. The absolute worst thing that happened was the photographers who were there to take pictures of the psyched up crowd. And in the moment when people were in anguish and being squashed, they still continued taking pictures. What the fuck! Why the fuck would you need pictures of people in pain and distress?! Put your fucking cameras down and help! Another bunch of fuckers...
The concert started. Muse came on and opened with Knights of Cydonia. I didn't get to see anyone. No Matt, no Dom, no Chris. All because I was trying to keep myself breathing. I saw flashes of Matt's face but that's about it. Celine got out, I went after her and Hui get out after me. Celine was so scared she was crying and shaking. And that was it. Three die hard fans got kicked out and missed the whole show. All that queuing for nothing...
For me, the whole point of me being right in front was to marvel at Matt's skills. After all, he plays the heck out of the guitar and piano and he's the one who inspired me. I wanted to watch him play and feel his awesome stage presence. They didn't get to see my sign and I felt like I was watching a DVD. Celine was there to see Dom and she didn't get to. They played a fantastic mix of old and new songs. They played so many songs that meant alot to me. They played the songs that I danced to in '05. They played Sunburn! I didn't get to see his insane fingers that seem to have a life their own and are detached from his palm. The moment I heard the starting piano bit, I just broke down and I never stopped crying even after. I was so pissed and upset and crushed, literally. All this because some fuckers refuse to stop pushing. They were just so uncaring towards other people's welfare. Fuck them. They didn't deserve to be there. All I ever wanted and all that I ever wished was just to be able to have a great view of them, watch each of them do their thing, have the time of my life and be inspired on a completely different level. And have a non-DVD, live experience. All that, taken away from me... All that waiting, just to be thrown out far far away from the stage.
This is by far the most painful and difficult post to write and I never thought I would say this but I have to stop listening to Muse for awhile. I just can't. It reminds me of this horrifying day when my hopes and dreams were crushed, I was completely disappointed and not to mention, extremely scared. It was an extremely emotional and traumatic experience... One of the worst nights of my life.
So please, if you can, try not to ask me about it... You already know the depressing details...