Thursday, March 30, 2006
yes! my comp is working! im blogging with the comp in my house! BUT.. i have a feeling its temporary.. but its still cool! so im sitting here,blogging and eating gummy! yummy gummy!! :)
so anyways, my accounting results are out.. and.. i did well! i did good! i did ALOT better than i thought! and i have no idea how that happened! hee! but im happy nonetheless! :)
right now,im feeling alittle bit crazy! coz i've been studyin accounts and its very frustrating!! heh!! exams are coming!! freaking out a little!
well,thats all i can think of right now!! hee! Ta!! :)
8:49 PM
Thursday, March 23, 2006
yes yes! im in school again! trying to completely my group essay which is due this coming monday! *sigh*
My Name..
what about my name? well,my friends turned CYNTHIA to CINTHYA.. pronounced as 'Cyn-Tyre'.. why? because of what yours truely said! this is the story.. one fine day, we were in the lecture hall, waiting for the lecturer to come. somebody had a big chinese magazine with Cyndi Wang on the cover. so i happened to say 'why she so extra must swop her 'Y' and her 'I' in her name? like that i can also swop mine lah!' then my friends started thinking about swopping my name! and how its gonna sound like! so that's what they came up with.. Cinthya.. well,its not that im not happy about or anything! im not! i just think its damn funny! good entertainment! hee! :)
there's so many things i wanna get from amazon! damn! its gonna cost quite alot neh! i wanna buy books and dvds! ohh no! its gonna cost alot alot! eeeeek! think im gonna get my mummy to sponser like half! and i'll pay for e other half!! heee!! :)
well,gotta go for lunch now! maybe i'll continue blogging later! :)
12:40 PM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
the comp at home has broken down! so sad! so i cant go online,cant chat, cant update blog, cant do work (but thankfully,i dun have any more work that involves the comp!), i cant play games and i cant tune my silly guitar that has gone bonkers! so im at my school library now! using the comp! suppose to save my group essay in my thumbdrive,but, there's no usb port! silly comp!
so anyways,i wanted to blog about the highlight of my year so far, Jason Mraz Concert! aaaahhhhh!! it was fantastic! i had a GREAT time! watching him and sharing the experience with people that i love! heee!! i dun feel like typing the entire post about the concert now, very no atmosphere leh! i'll update again when my comp is ok again! so im gonna go back to doing the group essay... -_-
10:55 AM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
i was very happy over the weekend! coz i had free time to do whatever i wanted to do.. my tests were over by then and i had alot less work to do.. so i decided to rent a few movies with my sisters to watch.. we rented 3 shows! Doom, Fight Club and Crash..
Doom doom was really really scary! all the funny monsters creeping up from some creepy dark corner! they make funny growling sounds and they attack suddenly! eeeeek! me,my sisters and my maid screamed during the scenes where we knew for sure someone was gonne die! heeee! there's this actor inside.. Karl Urban! he's so handsome! all armed and dangerous! heeeee!! the silly thing about me was i was so scared that his character was gonna die! coz The Rock's the lead right? so in movies like that,you'll naturally think that the lead won't die! so i kept screaming for Karl Urban to follow The Rock around! Coz there's guaranteed protection! i know i know! its silly! but he's sooooo good-looking! i don't want a good-looking guy to get killed by some strange creature!!
Fight ClubWAH! this show ah..
MUST watch!! its fantastic! the story is fantastic! its based on the book written by Chuck Palahniuk! i can't describe this one! its one of those show you have to watch to know how good it is! its the only show, besides Lord of the Kings, that i kept thinking about after watching it! everyday, at certain times of a day,i will suddenly think about and think about how good the show is! so
GO WATCH IT if you haven't! anyways,the actor,the one that's not Brad Pitt,is cute!! Edward Norton.. his character in the show is abit nerdy and geeky! and that's the cute thing! i think there's something quite charming and cute about some geeky guys! but like Karl Urban,i can't seem to find a nice decent picture! the ones i found are not as nice as they look in the show itself!

so im gonna go buy the book soon! and the DVD! i want this edition! i like the cover! its nicer the one that i rented! wonder if i can find it in S'pore! if not must buy from Amazon! *hint hint* can somebody get it for me please?! hehe!
Crash another good show! recommended by my sis! its about racial discrimnation between blacks and whites in Los Angeles. each character has their own story,but by the end of the show their paths will cross and they learn and realise things about themselves. very very cool! they deserve the Oscar! and yes! watch this one too!!
"Moving at the speed of life, we are bound to collide with each other."
8:12 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
i received this email that had a link to the Nike Women website. its got 3 advertisements. and they're all dance related! very very nice! i was so inspired! inspired to move like them! woah! very very cool!
on wednesday,i had computing class! and it was fun! coz me and my frens all downloaded msn! and we played minesweeper with each other! during lesson!! heee!! that was fun!
ohh yes! i was reminded today, that my beloved Beyonce cd is super scratched! its soooo scracted that some tracks will skip and stall!! AAAAAAHHHH!! somebody get me a new one!! *hint hint!*
well,that's all there is to my mundane week! heee! :)
10:39 PM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
my friend told yesterday that they've got problems posting messages on my tagboard! i tired once too! and i had problems too!! so if anyone has any problems tagging,please tell me k?! i'll get a new one! heee!
5:51 PM
Monday, March 06, 2006
Last night, while i was trying to study for my Stats test(which is tmr..yikes!), my younger sis and i started talking.. about money,the stuff that she wants to get, saving money,etc etc..
the point is,i realised something very very scary about her. i realised that she's like the rest of the kids her age,but of course,because she's my sis(hehe!), she's not as bad! but still, its scary! anyways, kids nowadays are materialistic and money-minded. everything revolves about money. its the in thing now to own all the newest electronic gadgets. to be cool and accepted,you must own branded stuff like LV and Gucci and Converse and Nike,have really cool electronic devices like PSP and O2 phones and the Nokia N-series. girls wanna have rich boyfriends or husbands. girlfriends make boyfriends buy branded bags and clothes for them. people buy things for its brand and not because having it will benefit them in some other ways besides 'Ohh my gosh i have an LV bag leh!'. people spend more than they earn. the moment they get their salary,they spend it all. and they leave none as savings or as emergency cash. its ridiculous!
kids or people in general seem to think that money falls from the sky. they seem to think that its soooo easy to get money. well, of course, they stick they're hands out and ask their parents for it. that's why. they don't seem to realise how hard it is to get money and the importance of saving and controlling money outflow. so they spend and spend and spend like water. coz they're not the one who're working so damn tog et money. they don't realise that they can run out of money. a common phrase for teens 'Nevermind what. i can go home and get (money) from my parents.' Jeeeeez!! ur parents are not your fucking ATM! they're not there for you to take money from,period. they did not go through all that hardship of making money so that their kids can spend it all. one perfect example is about a 'brilliant' boy called William, who stays at the same block as me. i've heard that he spends money like its free and he's extremelly unfillial to his parents. there's alot more to him,which is another story for another day. anyways,its people like him who can go kiss their own ass and be dumb enough to drown themselves. one less person like him can save people like me from alot of anger and hatred.
when me and my elder sis was young,the most 'branded' things we ever owned was Baby-G and Bata! we bought clothes from Giodano and we still do! we've never heard of Nike clothes and bags or Gucci or Louis Vuitton. and all we wanted as tenagers was to hang out in school with friends. and the most go for a movie once in a long while. or like go to the playground and play or just stay home and chill. but now, everyone's going for movies and they're going on shopping sprees and they're clubbing and going to really high class restaurants to dine. spending all the money that's probably not their own. i mean,i totally understand if you want to go and celebrate some occasion at a restaurant, but some people really go restaurants to eat everytime they go out! whatever happened to going to the hawker center to have really yummy food?! like yesterday,i went to kallang to have kway chap and this huge mango ice kachang! and i was really happy after that! coz it was really really yummy and my parents didnt have to spend much! ohh the mango ice kachang!! sooooo nice!!! :)
anyway,and its not only the kids my younger sis's age. its everyone! everyone's so materialistic and they all seem to have the idea that Money = Happiness. werent we all taught a long time ago that money is DOES NOT give us happiness? i honestly do not understand how the society became like that in such a short time? how did it turn into a surrounding filled with people i detest? how come people are so shallow?
i have to admit that at one point in time,my goal in life was to have a high paying job. but then i realised... SCREW money! i don't care anymore. i don't care about being able to earn tens and thousands of dollars. as long as im the happiest god-damn person,im contented. i don't need expensvce stuff like clothes and all that to feel good about myself. im doing fine, if not great with what i have! and that will be so for as long as im going to live.. and SCREW all the money-minded,materialistic and shallow people!!!!!
1:13 PM