Friday, January 27, 2006
24th Feb '06 : Backstreet Boys Never Gone TourYES! Backstreet Boys! hehehe! my sister wanted to go coz she used to be a fan! so she brought me! coz i used to be a fan too! concert was quite cool! everyone went crazy the moment they came on! all the screaming girls! i was very enthu about it coz i think its really cool that after all these years of watching them on TV,they were on stage! in front of me! soooo quite e cool lah!
but then! the music was very loud! so couldnt hear them harmonize! so sad! AND every teenage girl is in love with Nick Carter! i dun understand! he's fat,ugly and he sounds the same as he did 10 yrs ago! and when he danced,he looked clumsy! man! i dun like him! ohh the dancing! yes yes! tt was.. hmm.. interesting.. and ermm.. a little cheesy too! coz its all the old,last time songs! hahaha! reminds me of when i was young! hee!!
1st March '06 : Fort Minorim going for this coz my younger sister wants to go! she's a huge fan and plus i know their songs coz she's always playing their CD in the car! think its gonna be cool too! we're gonna have a good view of the stage! and i wanna see Mike Shinoda! coz he's from Linkin Park and all! hee!!
17th March '06 : Jason Mrazi am EXTREMELY excited about this one! i love mraz! he's got a great voice! and he's cute! and his songs or so nice and sweet and has the cutest lyrics! and he sounds really good live! AND its gonna be an accoustic performance! with this other guy doing percussions! its gonna be soooo cooooooool!!
i always thought that it was impossible for him to come! coz he's so unknown here! but he is here coz of the Mosaic Musical Festival! and guess what?! my sister managed to get tickets that are right in fron of the stage!!! first row and right in the center!!!! how cooool is that?! im gonna freak out! and im gonna try to sneak in my camera and a couple of markers and his CDs for him to sign! i can like say hi and he will actually be able to hear it!! WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
16th Feb '06 : Franz Ferdinand Concertthis one im not goin! was supposed to go! but i've got something on that day! so anyway! there are tickets to be sold! so if anyone's interested or you know of someone or some people who are interested,please do let me know!! check this out..
10:07 PM
Monday, January 16, 2006
i was using the comp today.. checking a few things out.. and talking to people on MSN.. so she came along and told me she wanted to use the computer.. so? i gave it up.. she said she wont take long.. she said she just needs to check something.. she said she wouldnt touch anything..
before i left,one of my concersation windows was flashing orange.. but when i came back after she was done using,it wasnt orange anymore.. and it was clear that it had been clicked on.. she read my conversation with my friend while i was gone..
it just sickens me to the core.. i cant have my own privacy?! im turning 21 this year.. and she's reading my conversation behind my back! im not pissed at the fact that she read my stuff.. i dont blame her for wanting to know who my friends are.. but what i absolutely cannot tolerate is that she does so BEHIND my back! she could have asked me straight in my face what i was talking to my friends about.. but no!
11:31 PM
Friday, January 13, 2006
this week,i had many many lectures! i've got 2 per day except for friday! which is today! so it was kinda tiring for me.. coz i just started school and everything so im still trying to get used to the whole at-school-thing!
as happy as i am that school started,im glad the weekend has come! i've been tired! so i really need the rest! and the time to revise my lect notes coz im quite confused about certain things! i need to prepare for a class on mon rite? and guess wat?! i aint got the text! great! coz the book is soldout at my school's bookshop! and i've been waiting the whole week for it! but thank goodness its a popular thing.. so i guess i can just go popular and find it! :)
A Guy At Schoolyes yes!! i realised something today that totally freaked me out! see,on my first lecture,i noticed this guy,who looked very very familiar to me! but i dunno who he is and where i've seen him around before! so anyway,this guy in my lect group was picked by my lecturer to start up an online group for my intake! so we've got a yahoo group and a friendster account! so i was looking through my intake's profile and all the friends and i noticed the familiar guy! so i clicked on him.. and to my horror!!!!!! he's from the same primary school as me!! AND he's the idiot who gave me a permanent spot on my arm with a pencil!! i shall not go into detail about what happened with the pencil! how coincidental is that?! goodness!! but i decided that im not gonna make a big fuss about it! coz given the reliability of my memory,i may or may not have remembered the correct guy! but its still a freakish coincidence!
8:58 PM
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Schoolsch's great! i had my first long day yesterday. i had 2 lectures! morning and afternoon! started at 9.30 and ended at 5! so anyway,my first lesson of the week was Organisational Behaviour. it was cool! my lecturer was funny! so that helped keep me awake! second lesson of the day was Business Statistics. that one felt extremely loooonnnggg.. 1) the subject on its own is already very dry and boring. 2) the lecturer i had was this lady who was there to replace my original lecturer,who's suppose to be a guy. she didnt introduce herself! and she was very boring! so it made the whole lesson even more boring than it already is!
here's the good thing.. i did not fall asleep! i repeat! I DID NOT FALL ASLEEP! yay! as ya'll know,im well known for falling asleep during lectures and tutorials! but this time,even though it was a 3hr lecture and my lecturer was boring me to death,i didnt fall asleep! instead,i tried hard to concentrate and listen to what she was saying! and i did! yay for me!! *confetti for self!*
Franz Ferdinand Convert Vs Evocation '06i bought tickets to the franz ferdinand concert. which is on the 16th feb. NUS is gonna have a dance concert. and im in it. here's the thing.. the 2 clashes.. concert's on 16 feb and dance,which was tentatively on 17 and 18 feb,is now confirmed to be on 15 and 16 feb. here's another thing. sister already bought the tickets to the concert. why? coz silly me did not remember that the concert is the day before dance! and it never crossed my mind that the 2 is gonna clash. and i totally forget that 17 and 18 is NOT confirmed! so i told my sister that i can go! so she got the tickets! so the painful decision of which to go for must be made. and it was decided that i should go for the dance concert coz its not very nice for me to skip something that i worked hard for! and i was really looking forward to performing for NUS for the first time! *sigh*
that not the end of it. see,i was supposed to go for franz ferdinand concert with my sisters and my sister's boyfriend! and now that im not goin,my younger sis feels really off and she got all upset coz she really wanted to go. and now i feel even worse! coz afterall,i was the blur one!
7:22 PM
Sunday, January 08, 2006

The weather was like this...

today wasnt a very good day for me! the weather was bad.. and not so good things happened to sshh-me!! here's the series of unfortunate events:
1) in the morning,my younger sis turned on e tv.. and sparks came out of the cable set.. so now,i've got no cable to watch.. GREAT!
2) in the car,i was happily cleaning my glasses.. then the nose bridge part of my glasses cracked.. its still wearable.. but its abit scary coz it might just break and fall off anytime! i've got sch tmr and there's no way i can survive the whole day at sch and drive with contact lenses!! EEeeeek!!
3) went to several places today.. drove.. rained and rained and rained! my window and mirrors were blurred!! it was so hard for me to lane change and to bloody see!!
4) i had dance class today.. i was late today.. and! i had to do u-turns 3 times arnd the same area coz i was trying to find a place to park my car! the carpark that i initially wanted to go to was damn quiet! then i tried to get to another one! but then! i couldnt find the entrance! so i went back to the quiet carpark and parked there!
5) after e hidious carpark search,i had to get to where e studio was.. and i had to cross grassy muddy patches! guess what i was wearing.. a white skirt and slip flops! so i got the backs of my legs splashed with muddy water! gross! and messy!!
6) after class,while i was goin to my car,i had to walk up slopes! and my shoes werent the best! it went all slippery! and i kept slipping backwards! out of my shoes!
7) after conquering the dreaded slopes,i finally got to my car! got in nicely.. put my bag down.. and realised that i didnt know what to do with my brollie! when i decided to close it,water came splashing down on me coz i had e brollie upright! and whatever water that was on top came down onto me! then! i found a bug struggling on my car door! i freaked! then i used the brollie and tried to sweep it off! all this happened with the car door still open! so the entire driver's door was wet! the seat and me were half wet! but eventually,i got everything in,except e bug,and shut the door! then i had to wipe up all the water..
CAN CRY!! but im safe and sound and unwet at home now! thank goodness!!
8:52 PM
Thursday, January 05, 2006


isnt that absolutely gorgeous?! i took it today after it rained! havent seen a rainbow in awhile! so i was quite excited when i saw this one!! dunno if its clear enough! but there's actually 2 of them! e more faint one is to e right!! coool huh?! :)
6:13 PM
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!! :)a year has gone by.. wow! its fast! well,2005 for me was a good year.. many good things happened! but i strongly feel that 2006 will rock!! hee!! coz.. i've started sch!! yay!! finally,my life is goin somewhere! im not sitting arnd and doin nothing anymore! YAY!! *confetti!* so anyway,2005 was a year where i realised that i have grown up! i've always felt like such a kid! and its great that i feel like i've grown.. got my license! SAJC concert and the memorable times at rehearsals! the period of time when i got the chance to hang out with hui and jessica coz they've been busy with sch!! joined NUS Dance Ensemble! made many new friends there! and learnt many things about myself! thanx to the Oprah show! hee! realised that there're many issues that i have to work out with myself! put myself on a road to self improvement! WHeeeee!!
thanx everyone! for hanging out with me at various times of the year!! my family,hui,jessica,glen,candice,szuharn,gwen,nad,kaien,garrick!! it was all great!! appreciate it! :)so yeah! sch has finally started for me! had my first class in 2 years today!! WOW!! i went there feeling scared coz i didnt know anyone! and i left feeling great! coz i met a new friend AND i've got my first homework in 2 years!! Woohooo!! *confetti!* and i've completed it out of excitement!! YAY!! nah! coz i've got quite a few things on the next few days! hee!
i spent dec 31st 2005 at home! helping my younger sis with her geog assignment! hee! it wasnt bad of course!! i got to enjoy fantastic fireworks with her and my family! yes! i saw fireworks from my house!! e ones at Esplanade! and e ones at Mount Faber(i think)! the esplanade one was gorgeous! and i wished i was there!! ohh yah! and something really amusing happened! i was standing at my balcony with my sis watching e fireworks display at Esplanade.. and then i heard '15,14,13,...!!' from some party that was goin on near my house! it was really funny coz they were 15secs late!!!!!!! amusing!!
4 days into 2006 and i've already had an annoying experience.. *sigh* check out my sister's entry on this "brilliant" bulky dude.. she did an excellent job talkin abt him! bravo my man... bravo..
ohh yeah! last thing! pardon the colour if its a little ugly! i was hungry when i posted this! so i aint got the patience to sit longer than i did to figure out what colours' nice! i just wanted to highlight things! hee!! Ta Ta!!
6:29 PM