Thursday, March 31, 2005
Hmmmm.. let's see.. anything interesting happened to me lately? ohh yes!
29/3 (Tues)well,not interesting.. but more like completely
SUAY!! yes yes!! i left e house for my student's house tt day! as i was walking down a flight of stairs,i missed a step and nearly fell on my knee! goodness!! i think i may have strained it just a leeeeetle bit! but im ok now! so after tt,while i was waiting for e bus at e bus stop,i realised tt my ezlink was out of cash! so how?! like tt lor! tt was not so bad still coz i can always use coins first and top it up later! so i happily got onto 97! THEN! while i was on e bus,i realised tt i didnt bring my phone! and i had to have my phone tt day coz i planned to go out! so i need e phone to make calls and contact ppl!! so wat i do?! got off 2 stops away,crossed e bloody expressway to e opp side and take a bus back again!! and then after tt,i gotta cross e bloody expressway again to get back home!! GEEZZ!! and its not like e weather has been friendly to anyone lately! it was FREAKIN HOT!!
then after tt,of course i was late for lesson! so how?! gotta take a cab down! AND i was running low on cash!! WAH! had to take my ang bao money! now i've got no more savings!!
then even later still,when i finally got to an mrt station to top up my ezlink card,i realised tt e min top up value was 10bucks!! WAH!! when i finally met garrick later in e day,i only had 6bucks! hehehe!! :)
so tt was my suay day!! la la la! makes me wan to drive even more now!! see.. if i had a car,i wouldnt have to worry abt having money in my ezlink! and if i left me hp at home,i can turn back and get it!! OR after e lesson,i can drop by at home to get it!! makes everything soooooo much easier!!
8:14 PM
Monday, March 28, 2005
yes yes.. wat's new?! im very blur!! and yes,im always feeling constipated!
i dun understand! i drink lots of water,eat lots of fruits and vegetables and yet! i still feel constipated! all e time somemore! -_-"
anyway,i realised tt my 'lost' photos were not lost!! apparrently,it's been in my wallet all along!! just tt it was put into one of those compartments i tot never existed!! so hence,i didnt check there!! i was feeling arnd my wallet this morning and suddenly 'eh?! my goodness! its my photos!' so there!! i still have my photos! YAY! and nobody's stalking me!! YAY!!
YAY!! i have my photos! and im extremely blur!! YAY!!
ohh and btw,i just had driving lesson just now! and boy was it fun!! i havent gone for a lesson in a week! and i kinda missed driving!! Wheeeee!! so fun!! apparrently,i was not bad! (according to my instructor!) but of course,there r other things to improve upon! so im generally quite happy abt me driving today!
Hooray For Ping!! :)
6:00 PM
Sunday, March 27, 2005

ohh btw,this is my boyfriend!! i wish!! hehehe!! Good-looking yeah?! YEAH!! :)
8:21 PM
i used to think tt as long as im not doin anything,i'll be free from unpleasant situations. i tot tt without a bf,i'll have one less person to manage and a whole tub of problems i'll never have to face. i tot tt without a job or a boss,i wuldnt have to worry abt answering to anyone. but i was wrong.. i was DEAD wrong.. unpleasant situations find u somehow..
my mum is stubborn.. and so is my sister.. my mum insists on my sister listening to her.. but yet she doesnt wanna listen to wat my sis has to say.. she insists on her way.. she insists tt wat she says and thinks is rite and nothing can make her think otherwise.. she refuses to listen to anyone.. only wat some guy tells her.. everyone else thinks e same.. my aunts.. everyone.. i dunno if my dad thinks e same too coz i guess he doesnt wanna involed.. nothing me or my sis says will make her listen to her.. my sis had a nervous breakdown infront of her once.. she screamed and she cried,which is not wat she usually does.. even then,my mum never budged..
my sis.. she noes wat ticks my mum off.. and she noes wat to do to prevent it.. but then,she doesnt.. she does e complete opposite.. and in e end,my mum's in a bad mood and sometimes e rest of us gets a scolding from her too.. my sis is starting to not wanna talk to my mum.. and tt definitely does not help e whole situation.. she cant be bothered to fight for wat she wants.. she cant be bothered to talk to my mum abt how she feels and her tots..
wat happens in e end? me,e busybody,steps in to be e middle person.. frankly,im very sick of it.. i wish they could hear each other.. i wish they would just talk to each other.. i wish i didnt have to be e middle person.. i wish everything would just stop and everything was fine again.. i wish they could find some form of a solution or a compromise..
i noe wat's goin to happen if it drags on unsolved.. if my mum just wants my sis to listen to her.. she's 24 already! she cant lead her life listening to wat my mum says.. or do wat my mum asks her to do.. tt's not gonna happen.. my sis has a mind of her own and she will never let anyone tell her wat to do.. this is wat's gonna happen.. my sis will be soooo sick of everything,she'll stop talking to my mum.. their relationship will go down e drain.. my sis will never speak to my mum again.. e more drastic thing is,my sis wiull move out and meave if she can.. worse still,if she's driven to her limit,she might hurt herself..
my family might fall apart.. and there's nothing i can do to prevent it.. i've tried.. and i've failed.. i dunno wat to do anymore.. i dunno wat to say anymore.. i dun wanna be e middle person anymore.. all i noe for sure is i dun want them to fight anymore.. i
LOVE my family and i dun want it to fall apart coz they dun wanna talk to each other.. or someone doesnt wanna listen to someone else.. i dun wanna have to live everyday knowing tt one they,they're gonna quarrel again over e same issue..
how i wish everything was ok.. i wish everything could go back to e way they were before..
7:27 PM
Friday, March 25, 2005
ok!! YAY!! my blog is looking better!! im starting to really like it!! and guess wat!! im starting to understand all e words in e Template section!! WHEEEEE!!! they used to be just a whole confusing page of ugly words!! i feel im still lacking a few things here and there! gotta go figure things out!! :)
hmmmm... i wonder if i can somehow put in one of e drawings tt i did before as part of my blog.. or maybe have a nice ME pic and my 'Drizzly.Sunshine.World' will overlap onto e pic so it can be my main heading or watever u call it! tt'll be good!! hmmm.. *ponder ponder*
5:56 PM
Thursday, March 24, 2005

Testing Testing! me and my sisters! in e car!! waiting for my parents!! nice?! Ooooo!! :)
11:34 PM
ok!! now it looks abit better!! :) doesnt it?!
comments pls!!! thank u!!! ♥
gotsta work on it somemore though!!
9:58 PM
im soooo sorry abt e extremely un-matching colours on my blog!! im tryin to redo it to something tt i like! so im just playing arnd with colours and all!! bear with me for awhile while i figure out wat colour combi i want yeah?! thanx alot!!
hope i aint givin u guys an eye sore!!!! :)
ohh btw,have u seen my tagboard?!?! so exciting!!!!
1:44 PM
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
i lost my wallet.. well,not exactly lost it.. i knew where it was! just tt i couldnt get back to go get it! tt was last sat!
so i finally got it back today! yes! my dear wallet! everything's inside! my ic and 20 bucks! BUT!! my little envelop of pics was gone!!
u noe e kind of envelop u get u go take passport sized photos?! yes tt! i had 4 passport sized photos of my big face and a stack of neoprints i took with my beloved girlfrens! all gone neh!! its really freaky and strange! how come e person took my pics (extremely unvaluable to them) instead of e 20 bucks i had inside?!?! EEEEeeeeKKKkkk!!!
9:12 PM
Sunday, March 13, 2005
there are moments in my life when i start to feel annoyed.. annoyed at my life.. annoyed at myself.. im so critical abt myself!! there are times when i wish i..
..was cool instead of cute
..was wealthy
..had nicer hair
..had flat and toned body
..had something to do now
..was goin somewhere in my life
..had more confidence in myself
..was a famous performer
..was a professional dancer
..was extremely flexible and strong
..didnt have dark eye rings
..had flawless glowy beyonce skin
..had my own car NOW
..didnt have to wear glasses
..was taller
..could swim everyday
..had good bones
..had my own room
..was a psychic
..could curse ppl and it came true
watever it is,e main thing i wan is an almost perfect,toned and strong body.. i dun wanna feel weak anymore..
suckiest thing,perfection is impossible to obtain.. so i will forever be pissed with myself..
i just wanna be and feel better than i do now..
10:56 PM
Monday, March 07, 2005
i was with my sis this afternoon.. havin good yoshinoya salmon bowl and gyoza with a ton of ginger and vinegar!!!
we were happily eatin.. and then! we ran out of ginger! so i got up to walk over to this raised counter where they had all e tubs of ginger and bottles of soy sauce and chilli thingy! THEN! there was this grp of guys sitting along e outside of yoshinoya.. wat did they do? STARE.. stare and stare like as if i was fresh meat!! my goodness!! those with their back facing me,turned 180 degrees to stare at me!!!! WAT E F***?!?!?! i was soooooo disgusted! and so was my sister!!
and then we realised tt they stare at EVERY girl who's slim and has long hair!! BLOODY DESPOS!! JEEZ!! they totally have NO respect for ladies!! treat us only as eye candy! stare like pervs!
me and sister wanted to leave actually! and if they stare while we're walking past,we stomp and stop beside them.. stare at them and give em e finger!! but of course,i didnt!! i couldnt!! hehehe!! so e both of us just sat there and waited for them to leave!!
but there was one thing i could do!! write in big black marker on e piece of paper : FUCK U,BASTARDS!! YES YES!! fold it up nicely and drop it on their table on our way out!! make them think tt we're giving them our no.. but nooo.... we're not!!! HEHEHE!!
9:57 PM
Friday, March 04, 2005
yes yes!! me and my sisters have been on a jewelry making journey! we've made quite a few pairs of earrings for our own use and for sale!! its been fun! designing and actually making them! they're pretty! if i may say so myself!! :)
so yes!! we had 3 customers today!! my neighbour and my maid's frens!! WOW!! we sold like 2 pairs! and we've got orders for 6 more!! i feel sooooo accomplished!! WHeeeee!!
AND we finally have a logo and a name!! YAY!!!! its very nice!!!
this is ohh sooooo exciting!!! :)
10:54 PM
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
this afternoon,i was at Orchard MRT waiting for my dear sister.. who was gonna be extremely late.. so,i decided to sit at e staircase on e right side of e MRT i was sitting and chilling and listening to music,this guy came up to sit somewhere beside me on e same flight of stairs.. i got abit scared only because he looked like he was disabled and i was wondering wat he was doin sitting beside me.. but then,i didnt leave because there was another guy sitting nearby.. abt 5 steps up aways from me.. so i figured tt if anything were to happen to me,e guy sitting further from me would come to my rescue..
awhile later,e disabled guy inched a little closer to me.. and i started feeling even more scared.. only because i didnt noe wat he was gonna do.. i tot to myself 'ohh goodness! wat's he doin? is he gonna hurt me?' he then tapped me on my arm and asked me for e time.. only then did i realise tt his disability is not being able to speak and walk.. and his eyes seemed abit weird.. he wore glasses btw.. so not noeing if he could hear,i stuck out my wrist and showed him my watch.. and since he couldnt speak,he stuck out his hand to shake mine as a way of saying 'thanx'..
so then i tot 'ok..this guy seems harmless..' so i didnt move! and then he tapped me again,pointed to my outfit and gave me a thumb's up.. all i did was smile coz i was still abit scared and nervous.. later,he showed me a 'magic' trick.. he took out a 10cent coin and placed it on one palm.. then he stuck both hands behind his back and switched e place of e coin! of course i knew wat he was trying to do! so when he asked me guess which hand e coin was in,i picked e rite one! i smiled and he gave me e 'ohh no!' look! he then tried again! this time,he got me! he seriously got me! i chose e wrong one! and he was so happy! so i just smiled at him!
awhile later,he took out a piece of paper and a pen.. and e first tot tt went thru my mind was 'Ohh goodness! pls dun ask for my no. or anything!' but instead,he wrote his name down.. Lim Teck Chee.. i hope i didnt remember it wrongly! and he asked for mine.. i just wrote 3 letters.. C Y N.. then he wrote 'Age:27'.. and then i wrote my age.. 20.. he looked at it for a few secs and signaled to me, 1 9 8 5.. my birth yr! i was so impressed! i smiled at him somemore!
then i was so scared tt he would ask me for my no.,i told him i have to go.. he smiled and nodded and stuck his hand out again.. so i shook his hand and he proceeded to give me a peck on e back of my palm! SOOOO SWEET!! :) i gave him a pat on his shoulder,gave him a BIG smile and i left..
after leaving,i was actually scared tt he would follow me! and i felt very bad after tt!! i felt for underestimating him! i took him for somebody who would harm me when in actual fact,he was one of e sweetest guys i've ever met!! he's smarter than i tot he was! and i really felt bad!! coz i realised tt im one of those ppl who judge ppl like him.. i judged him.. im one of those ppl who think tt he's goin to do me harm or he's not intelligent at all just by e way he looks! when in actual fact,he's sweet and he IS like any one of us! its just tt he's got physical disabilities tt disallow him from portraying who he really is! a sweet,intelligent and nice guy who just wants to make frens and he means no harm..
i guess e only reason why i was scared was because i didnt noe wat he was gonna do and i didnt noe how to deal with ppl who r like him.. everything was unpredictable and unexpectable.. i guess not noeing wat was goin to happen and not noeing how to deal with e situation was wat scared me.. afterall,im no social worker and i have never been exposed to ppl like him..
Lim Teck Chee, i'll always remember u.. :)
11:15 PM